Recommended Family Permission Form


Dear Families,


'Your Service Name' is now using LIFT (Learning Involving Families & Teachers),  an online Early Childhood Programming and Documentation program.


What is LIFT?




LIFT is a product of Raise Learning and designed by a team of experienced  Early Childhood professionals.

What is so amazing about LIFT is that it is completely collaborative; where teachers, children and families can work together online. LIFT is also compatible with most smart phone browsers, which teachers and families can use to quickly upload or view information. 

With the introduction of the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) which now includes a focus on digital learning, the use of digital media and collaboration with families, LIFT makes management of many of these new tasks simple.  


Benefits of LIFT  

·         Your information is completely secure, stored and accessed via a password protected SSL secure environment (the same level as security provided with online banking). 

·         Families can view and comment on observations taken of their child/children.

·         Families can share their own observations of learning from home.

·         Families can view and comment on the latest programs on offer for their child.

·         Families can provide feedback and share ideas on their child’s overall assessments.  

LIFT allows families to log online and be a part of their child’s learning and development. You can add observations of what you child is achieving at home, document their likes and dislikes, recommend activities that you would like to see your child doing and upload photos of your child achieving mile stones in their development.


Registration & Access

To be linked to your child's records you must first complete a hard copy permission form.   On this form you will provide the contact information for all persons you approve as having access to your child's/children's records.  Using this form, you can grant any number of family members (grand parents, aunties & uncles etc.) or even specialists access to your child’s records.  Please note that 'Your Service Name' cannot accept verbal agreements.  As a user of LIFT you agree to and accept to abide with LIFT’s terms of use, security and privacy policies which can be accessed at

Initially, you will be prompted to set up your account either via an email invitation OR manually register your details online  This is where you will provide your secure login information - your email address as your username and a password.  Please note that where a family receives an invitation directly from the service, approval and access is completed immediately.  However, where a parent manually registers online there may be a delay in processing your registration.  'Your Service Name' will contact you as soon as your account has been processed.

How to open your child/children’s records.

LIFT can be accessed through the Raise Learning’s website  Please choose the third main heading "LIFT FOR FAMILIES".   You will be prompted for a login username and password (the same as you nominated at registration).  

If you have forgotten your password, please go to the “Support” tab on the top menu and you can follow the instruction to reset your password.

Permission to use and access LIFT

With your approval we would like to use the full features of LIFT to record and share our observations with you. 

I, ________________________________________ (print parent's name), the parent or legal guardian of _______________________________________(print child's name), have had the opportunity to review the  above information including LIFT’s Privacy Policy, LIFT’s Security Policy & 'Your Service Name' Privacy Policy.

I give 'Your Service Name' permission to grant the following persons access to my child/children’s records:

·         Full Name/Email:_________________________________________________________


·         Address/Phone:___________________________________________________________


·         Full Name/Email:_________________________________________________________


·         Address/Phone:___________________________________________________________


·         Full Name/Email:_________________________________________________________


·         Address/Phone:___________________________________________________________


·         Full Name/Email:_________________________________________________________


·         Address/Phone:___________________________________________________________


Parent's signature: ________________________________________________________ 

Dated this __________ day of __________, 20__________. 


Parent's e-mail address:


Child's/Children’s  Name/s:


Child's birth date:
